Thursday, September 29, 2011

[currentevent] suicide bombers

suicide bombers attack police in Iran.
A suicide bomber has detonated his explosives-packed car near a bank where policemen were picking up their salaries in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk, killing two people and wounding as many as 60, officials say.
Sarhat Qadir, the Kirkuk police spokesman, said a policeman and a civilian died in the blast on Thursday, and that most of the wounded were policemen.
so basically the suicide bombers do not care about there life and i feel that it stupid all they did was blow them selves up and what did they get, they only got 2 people to die and sixty injured. i do not know how they manipulate these suicide bombers to do such stupid things but it works.the bombers are killing there own people i do not understand why. but the middle eastern people always blame the united States for killing there people but we are not killing no one it is the terrorist that are killing everyone and those people are middle eastern not Americans. One of the police officers that died was getting his check at the bank and he wanted to get his kid some school stuff but now he cant an his family is going to get sad news about the father that died. its not fair how innocent people die from there own kind and blame us, we are trying to help these countries get better not try to massacre everyone like the terrorist are doing.

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