Friday, September 9, 2011

response to kevin jangs

I found my good friend kevin jangs post and found it very interesting.
First and foremost, I WILL make sure my parents live a lavish lifestyle, they have honestly worked hard to give me a good life and nothing I do can ever repay them back..... but I can try!
I want a nice sized house, a nice car, a beautiful wife, and beautiful children.
I totally agree with what kevin is saying and my parents also work there ass off to pay bills and get me and the rest of my family what we need so if i ever do get rich or good money number one priority is to try to pay them back with anything. and i also would love to have a family with kids, that will make a happy life for me. a nice sized house would be great to or atleast an apartment because i eventually got to get out of my parents house haha. anothrer thing i would like to do before i die is maybe go sky diving or go out of the country to japan or somewhere nice. i would like to visit guam and see what it looks like there because i am from guamanian decent. another thing i would like to do is become a firefighter thats been my goal for awhile and after high school i will study fire science to become a firefighter although its hard to get a job for i will try my best to accomplish this life time goal of mine.but the biggest thing befor i die is to have a family and hopefully boys because i can teach them all sorts of things like sports instruments or special skills that they may want. another thing i would like to do before i die is go on a trip with my friends before we stop talking once we go to high school. hopefully i will still stay in touch with alot of people

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