Thursday, September 8, 2011

these crazy libyan rebels are trying to kill gadafi. he is running away from everyone and they found his compound and are shooting it and doing whatever they can to destroy it. the rebels say that they have 80 percent of this under control. these rebels are from all over libya and are fighting for the samething and that is getting rid of there horrible leader gadafi. some of the rebels are from izrata and one guy knows the tactics of the elite gadafi soldier. the gadafi soldiers use the tunnels for escape. even though they have almost 80 percent of control they still do not know where he is hiding. watching these people with there guns and other weapons is crazy because it looks like they do not even know how to use it there just firing random ass bullets and some of these people look kind of young like maybe late teens earlier twenties, they shouldn't even be fighting its not right they should just live the life they want to instead of fighting even though its right. its really crazy how the gadafi soldiers are firing there rockets at the rebels and its like they do not care there just rushing at them firing there guns. they stormed inside of his compound just trying to find him and looking for whatever they can find they really would do anything just to get this guy.
i just hope this will eventually end because lives are being lost all because of this guy and its not right to the people

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