Monday, September 12, 2011

the weekend

This week it was kind of fun on friday i went to the football game it was a good game but hornets didnt win. they were close in the first have they caught up really fast but then lost the lead, to bad. but there was alot of good plays and i am looking forward to going to the next football game. and after the game i went home and just watched tv and ate pizza and cheese burgers. on saturday i woke up and ate more pizza and then went to my frends house, jose. we went on the computer for awhile then me and dongho left and met up at night and went biking to bayfarm at nine and got back at like twelve it was fun we went to all the parks and then just did crazy stuff haha. when i went home i just watched tv until three oclock in the morning then fell asleep and woke up at ten then watched more tv. then later on that day i drove around and had a little fun. after that i just watched tv and fell asleep at about twelve. now hopefully this week is going to fun because block schedule started and now i will be in alot of my good classes longer. next week i am going to get my permit finally! now that i'm seventeen in a half i can only do the permit test. well i cant wait for it and hope i dont fell the permit test cause that would really suck but i'll see.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear you had fun on your weekend!! :)
    This is a little hard to read though, can you split it up into paragraphs next time? Thanks for considering...
    Good luck on your permit test! Remember to take your time though. Even if you do fail, more practice especially with driving never hurt anyone!
