Thursday, September 22, 2011

[current event] syrian security

I did this on the Syrian security forces.

The Syrian government has blamed what it called "terrorists" for the deaths of five security force members in the restive city of Deraa, while anti-government activists said three civilians were killed in the city of Homs.The official news agency, SANA, said on Thursday that 17 other security force members were wounded when they were ambushed by "armed terrorist groups" on the road from Tiba.
so the syrian security officers got killed but the anti-government activist were also saying that they killed three of the citizens from Homa.  Activists also said authorities blocked mobile phone signals and the internet in parts of Damascus province, at Saqba, Jisrin, Kafar Batna, Hamurieh and Ain Tarma. the UN said over 2700 people had died and 100 children since the uprising since mid march.Barrack Obama wants to impose sanction on syria. European Union had agreed in principle on another round of sanctions against Syria over its deadly crackdown on anti-regime protests. Hoyer said the EU should keep up the pressure until the government's violence stopped. Turkey is now co-ordinating its efforts with the United States, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said. i think that Syria security force shouldn't kill innocent people because its just karma for them dieing and it really isn't the people fault in my opinion. The Syrian government doesn't seem to care about other people who died except for there security force and they should start caring more about the people and not themselves.

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