Wednesday, September 7, 2011

This beginning of the school is has been nothing but easy for me. I took all easy classes this year and have nothing to worry about. i am hoping with these classes possibly a 4.0. I am taking no math and no science very simple. The only hard classes are history but I have Mr. Ramirez so it’s really really easy. Government hopefully is going to be easy I'm usually good in history but this is more politics in stuff and i don't really care for it so hopefully I will do well throughout the year. The first day of school I had theater tech but I didn’t want that class so I immediately switched out of that class because I did not want to be in it and so I switched from that to being a teacher aid for Ms. Lenhart and she is really nice and lets me do what ever I want to. My favorite class is art four all I get to do is draw and I like doing that. I am especially good at drawing portraits of people and like doing whatever people give me and I usually like a challenge but I still end up doing it good. The thing I don’t like about art is that I have to do stuff that involves color and I’m not good at coloring stuff like acrylics and watercolor. I’ve done a few acrylics and I’m getting ok at it but I am no good at pastel and do not plan on getting good at it.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Ramirez is amazing! I had him for U.S. history last year. I'm in art three, but it's the same class, isn't it? I have it next period. I'd say hi, but i dont know what you look like and that'd be kind of creepy, anyways.
