Thursday, September 22, 2011

[free post] this weekend

This weekend I plan to have heck of fun I want to do as much as I can because I don’t want to be bored. So starting after school on Friday I plan to maybe go eat out somewhere like pizza or something like that and then at about eight or nine o’clock I might go and play hide and go seek with a lot of people like maybe Joseph Ngyuen and heck of freshmen and my friends. And I will probably get home around eleven or twelve but its okay. The next day, Saturday I want to go biking with Dongho and Jose to go to Bay Farm and then go to the parks and run around and do stupid crazy things. Like they have this barrel roll thing from ninja warrior and its heck of fun to play on.  Then we go to this one spot and it’s this one high ass thing that I jump off just for fun and after probably go to Jose’s   house and play a little Call of Duty even though I do not really like that game that much but I guess that it is okay but I do not usually play it. And on Sunday I think I and my family are going to go to the A’s game but I am not sure yet so ill just have to wait and see. If I do not go to the A’s game then I will go with Dongho and Jose to Wes house to watch football, watch the raiders whoop any team ha-ha.

1 comment:

  1. I wrote a response to your post, it's on my blog. :)
