Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Current event... indonesia

I found this current event about how the dutch massacred almost all the men of indonesia in the 1900's.
According to Indonesian researchers, Dutch troops wiped out almost the entire male population of Rawagede, a village in West Java, two years before the former colony declared independence in 1949.
"Justice has been done," said Liesbeth Zegveld, lawyer for the plaintiffs.
 so in the 1900's the dutch wiped out mostly all the men and that is just wrong, for what reason? but i feel that the Indonesia people should start talking about this and get what they need from it, because there is a lot of women that lost there husbands and now are alone because of the massacre that the dutch gave to them.
the dutch government in 2009 decided to donate $1.16m to the area of Balongsari, but has avoided using the term "compensation". they said that there would dead bodies laying everywhere and that a lot were also in the river just floating. the living witnesses are all in there 80's and have been living as widows these past years. they said that most indonesians do not even know about the massacre of the dutch and only recently has a monument been built to remind residents that Dutch soldiers killed all the men of the village. thats sad i have no idea why the dutch would do something so cruel to inocent people but hopefully now they regret everything they did in the past because you can not just kill hundreds of people and not ever think about how many people are suffering.

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