Thursday, September 22, 2011

[free post] future

After i graduate i plan to have a good summer hopefully go somewhere for once. me and my friends are planning to go on a lake Tahoe trip or Yosemite but not sure yet. we plan to stay there for a couple nights and have as much fun as possible because once we get to college we wont really be seeing anyone as much as we use to. but i plan to go to Chabot college and get my associates degree in fire science and hopefully be able to become a firefighter. it is a dangerous job and not really the best pay but the retirement is great and i can see myself doing stuff like that and most of the time all they do is work out so that seems like a chill ass job and when it comes to the fires it doesn't really bother me because i don't mine risking my life for someone else. hopefully it will go good because i really do not have a back up plan because this is what i really want to do so I'll do my best to make it happen. if it doesn't work out i guess maybe something with art but there really isn't that much jobs someone can do with drawings. i like drawing a lot but a future job for it will be really hard because its hard to become a good artist and sell all of your work because not a lot of people buy everyone work. if not maybe something in music but i really don't want to do that, so i will just try my hardest and be committed to becoming a firefighter.

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