Thursday, September 22, 2011

[Re] to eric chung god dammit!!

this is Eric Chung god dammit post haha.
Dam it, I forgot to post on Friday Post. Got too distracted with the Fridayness,studying, Homework and crack and forgot to do the dam post. My grade probably went down again. Doing a blog so i will not forget to write one if it is Friday again.
I know how you feel Eric but its okay you can get it back. i have forgotten about home work so much but i usually still do good and as long as you do good on the test then you should do fine. i do not really forget to do blogs because on my free period days i usually just go to the library and do them or i just do a lot in one week so the next week i do not have to do it that is what i am doing right now haha. but this year i do not really have a lot of home work so i am really really lucky the only home work i really have is these blogs because i only have english and history for my home work classes and history i just turn in at the end of the quarter. so hopefully i will get a four point zero this year because if i get below a three point zero i am truly the stupidest person in this school because i have the easiest schedule ever! but i will still try and not slack off even though that it is senior year and everyone slacks off haha.

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