Monday, October 3, 2011

[CUR] yemen

Yemeni president sets new conditions to quit.
         Ali Abdullah Saleh, the Yemeni president, has said he will not step down if his former allies-turned-rivals are allowed to run in elections.

In an exclusive interview on Thursday, the embattled leader told Time magazine and The Washington Post that a power transfer deal crafted by his Gulf neighbours calls for "all the elements" causing tension in Yemen to be removed and warned of a civil war if that did not occur.
Saleh was referring to dissident General Ali Mohsen al-Ahmar, who has joined ranks with a populist uprising that began early this year, and the powerful al-Ahmar tribe, not related to the general.
he says he does not want to step down but it should be up to the people what he does and obviously he is not wanted so he might as well just step down. he fled to another country because of his injures and then got healed and now he wants to come back but i think it should be up to the people to decide not him. he knows the people do not want him so he has balls for coming back when he is not needed. they should just elect a new president or leader because they want changes in the country not what he is doing if he does not leave they might even kill him.

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