Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[RE] frances success post

i am reblogging my friend frances blog on success.
Every so often I stop and think about where I'm going in life. I ask myself questions like what do I want to do? Where do I want to end up? To this day I still haven't been able to answer those questions and a crucial part of my life is slowly creeping up on me. Life after high school. My original plan was to take a year off from studying and go out to explore. It's a very broad desire but something that I'm very passionate about.
i have asked those same questions and it is crazy how all of us seniors are graduating already and about to start our real life. may be taking time off before college would be a good idea and really fun, you get to travel where ever you please and want, but the only problem if i tried to do that is the financial, the money is hard to get if you do not have a job or anything. but other than that it seems like a great idea because for some people there still not sure what they want to do so they are just thinking so a trip may help people find out what they want to do in life. i would like to do that to but i am already sure of what i am doing but if i did not i would totally do this. well i hope you find out what you want to do because you will probably be successful.

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