Monday, October 3, 2011

[RES] to zubair's island bowl

i am responding to zubairs island bowl post.
That whole day I was so mad and ready for the game. But I knew I could not play. That morning I heard that encinal trashed our school and I got even more mad. So it finally came down to the game and I was totally in that game mood.
dam that heck of sucks how you can not play cause i know how football is your passion and you love the sweet feeling of hitting people ha ha but atleast you were on the side lkines supporting your team. i also heard about encinal trashing our school and that is some childish shit they did cause if they really want to have a war we can have one they only fucked up are tree but we can always get them back but we arent going to becasue we are more mature then them there just heck of childish. And that was a close ass game and i was looking forward to alameda winning but they just beat us by a few little points but it was a close ass game and a good one. Atleast we put up a fight and it was hard for them its better then we've done in years so maybe next year will be the year when alameda kicks Encinals ass. but its whatever theres always next year and alameda can always get better. now this week alameda is facing berkely so good luck with that shit cause there good at everything basically.

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