Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[RES] to brenda senior year

i am responding to brendas senior blog.
Senior year is supposed to be your best, easiest, and mostfun year out of your high school experience. Well, so far I am not feeling it.Maybe it will kick in second semester when college applications are over andgrades do not matter as much anymore. Honestly, I am so done with school. Mymotivation to do well and get work done has gone down so much.
for me this senior year is great i have the easiest classes and am having fun and i do not have to worry about college apps because i am going to community college but hopefully it will get good for you because its your senior year and you should have fun. hopefully this year stays easy and i do not slack,i am trying to maintain my 4.0 right now, it is my first time ever having a good GPA like this and quarter is bout to end so i will see if i really do have a 4.0 gpa. i think you should just keep trying you should not give up just because your motivation has gone down so i believe that you can keep going, and maybe your second semester will be a lot of better for you because you do have alot of work to do for your college and stuff like that. i am also looking forward to the ball and picnic and all that stuff an i will try to make everything the best for me and my friends because this is the last year for all of us and this is a good memory hopefullyto all of the seniors.

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