Monday, November 14, 2011

class post.. fences

    The fence that i have is a open fence i usually like everyone an have no enemy's and i am open minded but i still have some stuff in my life that i want to fence out. i fence out a lot of the drug dealers and drug addicts i have no respect for them because there job is stupid and there going to get caught and they most likely are drug addicts. i have exceptions such as people who smoke pot i dont care to much for them because its not as bad as like cocaine and herione and crack but still they do abuse it a lot of poeple say they need to smoke weed because it makes them feel good but thats there only reason so i think they do not need it.
   especially crack heads and bums they chose that path and its there fault they can not blame other people for there faults. crack heads say they cam stop whenever they want but they really can not its to hard for them and they need to realize that they are addicts. but my fence other than that is more chill like nothing really bothers me and i am really friendly so thats why its so open and free. but again like hobos they aren't necessaries bad people but they have to stop blaming people for there mistakes and face facts and that they messed up and they have the power to change and make a different living but they choose not to and live there life's as a shit life so thats why i keep them out side of my fence. but drug addicts are the worst because all they think about is the crack pipe or whatever they do so they need to face reality and switch up there routine. instead of crack in the morning have a sandwich and instead of selling drugs find a job its better to get a real job then to do something thats illegal because one day they will get caught and they will eventually find out that they were stupid for it.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

[RES] to brenda senior year

i am responding to brendas senior blog.
Senior year is supposed to be your best, easiest, and mostfun year out of your high school experience. Well, so far I am not feeling it.Maybe it will kick in second semester when college applications are over andgrades do not matter as much anymore. Honestly, I am so done with school. Mymotivation to do well and get work done has gone down so much.
for me this senior year is great i have the easiest classes and am having fun and i do not have to worry about college apps because i am going to community college but hopefully it will get good for you because its your senior year and you should have fun. hopefully this year stays easy and i do not slack,i am trying to maintain my 4.0 right now, it is my first time ever having a good GPA like this and quarter is bout to end so i will see if i really do have a 4.0 gpa. i think you should just keep trying you should not give up just because your motivation has gone down so i believe that you can keep going, and maybe your second semester will be a lot of better for you because you do have alot of work to do for your college and stuff like that. i am also looking forward to the ball and picnic and all that stuff an i will try to make everything the best for me and my friends because this is the last year for all of us and this is a good memory hopefullyto all of the seniors.

[CUR] insider trader sentence

i am doing m y current even on this scandal that raj rajaratnam did that was not right.

Raj Rajaratnam, a self-made hedge-fund tycoon convicted of fraud and conspiracy in the biggest Wall Street trading scandal in a generation, has been ordered to serve 11 years in prison, one of the longest sentences on record in an insider-trading case, but less than prosecutors had sought.
US District Judge Richard J Holwell announced the sentence in Manhattan on Thursday after concluding that Rajaratnam made well over $50m in profits from his illegal trades.
so he basically was ripping people off for his own good, i think that is the most messed up thing he already had a lot of money so why would he keep on doing it that just does not make sense to me, is he not happy with the money he had? cause i sure of hell would of been. so he made over fifty million dollars in profit! profit from his illegal trades and was still doing it, that can last him a life time or even a couple. but i just think that he is really an idiot this is america you are bound to get caught eventually so he should of anticipated that instead of keep going and now hes going to be in jail for a long he gets a long time in prison and has to pay a huge fine for his crime, but that is his fault and he deserves that. so this was one of the biggest wall street scandals ever and has to serve 11 years in prison, hopefully he has learned his lesson.

[RE] frances success post

i am reblogging my friend frances blog on success.
Every so often I stop and think about where I'm going in life. I ask myself questions like what do I want to do? Where do I want to end up? To this day I still haven't been able to answer those questions and a crucial part of my life is slowly creeping up on me. Life after high school. My original plan was to take a year off from studying and go out to explore. It's a very broad desire but something that I'm very passionate about.
i have asked those same questions and it is crazy how all of us seniors are graduating already and about to start our real life. may be taking time off before college would be a good idea and really fun, you get to travel where ever you please and want, but the only problem if i tried to do that is the financial, the money is hard to get if you do not have a job or anything. but other than that it seems like a great idea because for some people there still not sure what they want to do so they are just thinking so a trip may help people find out what they want to do in life. i would like to do that to but i am already sure of what i am doing but if i did not i would totally do this. well i hope you find out what you want to do because you will probably be successful.

[free] just bloggin

i have been with my girl friend for as it seems the longest time, we have been together for almost 15 months, a long ass time right. but these months have been fun and we have done a lot of fun and memorable stuff together like we went to prom together and got home at three thirty in the morning and go out to eat a lot, mainly pizza almost every friday. i am usually with her everyday after school we usually just go to my house and watch tv or movies and just chill, we are planning to watch paranormal activity three when it comes out in theatures. on weekends we usually do not really hang out because i hang out with my friends and she hangs out with hers. i have been with her long enough to say i love her because she's done so much for me and i know i have done the same for her. i buy her a lot of stuff and dam girlfriends are expensive haha but i will say that its worth it but it makes me broke a lot, i really need a job. hopefully after high school i will still be with her and she will still be in school as a senior next year. i would say her name in this blog but she can not really have a boyfriend so its on the down low with her parents but mostly everyone knows who she is because they usually see us in the hall together but we don't cupcake like this one couple i won't name there name but dam they are hell cheesy haha.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

[essay] retailing stores

Cohen says that in the markets today they hire only good looking people with or without job experience. I agree that is what is happening, I do not really think that is the right thing to do, but in my opinion it is smart because it is bringing them customers and a lot of money. If you go to a store with less attractive people it is less likely that you will come back to that store, but in a case that you go to a store with attractive people than most people are bound to come back to that store not only because of the good clothing but to see the girls or guys again. So in my own opinion I think that it is wrong, but again smart when it comes to business, but still they shouldn’t hire people because of their looks, ethnicity, or lack of appearance. They should hire people because they know they are willing to be committed and work as hard as one should work.
                I also have experience with going to stores such as Cohen explained it, there is good looking girls and fit guys and also a lot of gay people, so it makes the customers want to come back. The people are also very friendly, but still that is about all, I guarantee that they have no job experience, so they shouldn’t get hired for what their appearance is. I am not really sure if this is right but stores such as American Eagle, Forever 21, H&M, Abercrombie, and Hollister, people know that it is an attractive place and very good clothing, so maybe only attractive people apply there because they know there pretty and they think there qualified and non-attractive people do not even try to apply for these stores because they know that it is good and so they do not even bother to apply because they assume it is too good of a job for them. From my point of view I do not think that the workers of these stores should approach only good looking girls and guys asking if they need a job because that is truly wrong they should at least ask anyone or just let the people ask them or put out wanted signs instead of approaching certain people. It is not just with these clothing stores it can apply to really any store such as GNC the vitamins and protein store; I have been to about three or four different GNC’s and I am not even joking when I say that all the workers were just all buff, there was not one single little or fat guy, and they also had decent looking girls but barely any girls.
                Cohen makes a lot of very good points in his paragraph when he was talking about how the market works and how they get business. Cohen states that, “It’s really important to create an environment that’s enticing to the community, particularly with the younger, fashionable market. A guy wants to hang out in a store where he can see good-looking gals.” So he is saying that the companies only are basically interested in young good looking girls, so there the only ones that fit the picture in the business. A lot of my friends actually do like to go to stores like that to see all the young girls that work there and kind of for the clothes but mostly for the girls, so Cohen is completely right when he said guys just want to hang out where the girls are but in my case I do not like to do that because I have a girl friend so there is no point for me to go soul searching because I am good where I am with my girlfriend. Cohen also states that, “retailers defend the approach to hiring based on image as necessary and smart, and the industry experts see the point.” So once again they hire for looks not necessarily on brains and experience. I would much rather have someone who knows what they are doing than someone with no clue of what they are doing, because now that person has to take time out of his day to teach the person what to do instead of hiring someone who knows what to do and spend the rest of the day doing whatever the manager could of done.
                So there are both pros and cons of a good looking person working for you and a not so good looking person working for you. So if you have a beautiful girl working for you most likely with no experience and have to teach her what to do, how to act and all the basics and it can really be a hassle. The pros of having a good looking girl is that it brings more customers and makes them want to come back. The pros of having a not so good looking girl working in a store like that is most likely that they have experience and know what they are doing  and know how to act and gets things done faster than a non-experienced person. The only cons of a not so good looking person is that it may not attract a lot of people but the people already know what the clothes of the store looks like so I can almost guarantee you that if they hired not so good looking people there business will still be booming with customers so now I see it as they have nothing to lose if they hire anyone, so I think that they should consider that and give it a try. But it is not illegal so they cannot stop what they are doing but maybe the company or the top person should just think about what they are doing because only a person with no heart should know that the stuff they are doing is wrong, they should just hire anyone, I guarantee the good looking girls do not need the money as much as a bad looking person needs it.

Monday, October 3, 2011

[RES] to zubair's island bowl

i am responding to zubairs island bowl post.
That whole day I was so mad and ready for the game. But I knew I could not play. That morning I heard that encinal trashed our school and I got even more mad. So it finally came down to the game and I was totally in that game mood.
dam that heck of sucks how you can not play cause i know how football is your passion and you love the sweet feeling of hitting people ha ha but atleast you were on the side lkines supporting your team. i also heard about encinal trashing our school and that is some childish shit they did cause if they really want to have a war we can have one they only fucked up are tree but we can always get them back but we arent going to becasue we are more mature then them there just heck of childish. And that was a close ass game and i was looking forward to alameda winning but they just beat us by a few little points but it was a close ass game and a good one. Atleast we put up a fight and it was hard for them its better then we've done in years so maybe next year will be the year when alameda kicks Encinals ass. but its whatever theres always next year and alameda can always get better. now this week alameda is facing berkely so good luck with that shit cause there good at everything basically.