Wednesday, September 14, 2011

essay prompt

                                Essay prompt

The world I come from is a hard working class and I try my best to help people and I do well in school. My parents own their own business as a contractor and I help with them work during the summer. About two years ago my house caught on fire, so after that I put a lot of thought into my future and decided I wanted to major in fire science and become a fire fighter. They save lives and is a dangerous job, but worth their living. They don’t get paid as much as people say, but it is something I find fun and see myself doing in my future. I plan to take two years of community college at Chabot College and get my associates degree in fire science. They don’t hire a lot so it’s a competition to be one. They have to go through series of tests such as written, test oral test, and physical test. In a way it’s good that my house caught on fire because of that I learned what I want to do in my future. I’ve had family members that were firefighters like my uncle Jim, he had gotten paralyzed and died though but not from his job, also I had a cousin who was the first chief firefighter in Alameda, I never knew him though. I plan before college to get in shape so everything that has to involve weights will be easy for me.
                A personal quality is that I play a lot of instruments. I play the ukulele and guitar and piano. I enjoy playing the ukulele the most because it’s fun and makes people happy. I began learning piano about 4 years ago and was self taught .after I learned piano it became easy to learn all the instruments. Out of those instruments I would say pianos my strongest. I also have good drawing skills and like to draw portraits of people. In my family I come from Chamorro background which is the language of Guamanian so it kind of ties in with me playing the ukulele because Guam is an island and ukulele is an island instrument. There is a lot of people at my school who try playing ukulele and some are okay but I am the best since the Hawaiians left last year, but I usually try teaching songs to those who want to play. Another quality that I have is that I love to play sports and be active. I have more energy than most people, I can run all day if I wanted and I like to work out and stay in shape. But my best quality in me is that I draw really well as I said I like portraits and really anything that is a challenge. I also like to do acrylics but I’m still learning to get better same goes with water color. All these skills come in handy for my future because I have a variety of talents, but my future so far is decided an once again that is to become a firefighter.

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